How to get to Ortopóvoa?
Ortopóvoa is located at 11 Visconde de Azevedo street, in the historic area of Póvoa de Varzim, nearby the Municipal Museum.
Arriving in Póvoa, you should head downtown, more precisely to Praça do Almada and then look for a landmark which indicates the beginning of Visconde de Azevedo street.
- If you arrive in your car, you have at your disposal three car parks within 400 meters:
- One is located in Praça do Almada in the opposite direction to Ortopóvoa;
- Another one at Avenida Mouzinho de Albuquerque, with entrance in front of the Hospital;
- Finally (free and very close), in the old military facility of Póvoa. Turn left after the Municipal Museum.
- If arriving by METRO, the station is 200 meters from Praça do Almada and 300 meters from Ortopóvoa.
- The GPS coordinates of Ortopóvoa are N 41° 22’ 49’’ W 08° 45’ 29’’.
Your first appointment at Ortopóvoa
Regardless the specialty involved, the first appointment is a data collection consultation that involves filling out a form, photographic and radiographic study, clinical examination and digitizing the dental structures.
If the reason for the appointment is immediately resolvable, it will be.
However, the most common is a second consultation to present the conclusions of the study, made with the collected data, similarly treated cases are displayed, a budget and payment possibilities are shown.
If you want to schedule an appointment at Ortopóvoa, you can do it in the following ways:
Via telephone: +351 252 299 240
Via e-mail: ortopovoa@ortopovoa.pt
Or, if you prefer, use the following form:
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